Revealed by H.M. Ward

51OQCF3BZ2L._SY346_Fame has a price and Trystan doesn’t want to pay it. Everything he worked so hard to hide is about to be revealed. Nothing he can do will stop it. Within a few short hours everyone will know about his father and the sordid details of his past. Brie is by his side, sputtering things that she shouldn’t know. Did Mari stab him in the back? After everything they’ve been through, he can’t believe it, but where is she?

There are four words Trystan’s father said that haunt him—four words that he ignored—never fall in love.

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My Review:
3 stars — OK, first things first: that blurb is really misleading.  I hate that.

Second, if I didn’t know there was another followup novel in the future, this ending would seriously piss me off.  I feel like I invested in this serial (that is really kind of expensive for what you get), and we didn’t really get much of a plot at all.  It kind of felt like a soap opera where it keeps going and going, but at the end you didn’t really get much.  There was no resolution with either parents.  You got a glimmer of their futures, but I didn’t really believe it was going to all work out nice, so it felt like it just kind of ended abruptly.  And thinking of it from the other perspective, KNOWING there is another book in the future (and seeing a glimpse of what it’s supposed to be about and that they are separated) I will admit to being confused with the happy (ish) ending.  So that was kind of disappointing too.

I guess I liked reading more Trystan and Mari together, and I enjoyed seeing the Seth and Katie bits, but all in all it was just kind of unsatisfying.  Oooooo, I also really loved the Tucker stuff.  I really hope Broken Promises delivers what was missing in this serial novella series.  It was cute, but it could have been a lot shorter and with more meat.


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