Diamond Girl (G-Man #1) by Andrea Smith

Diamond girlBlurb: Thirty-five year old Samantha Dennison sends her only child off to college and finds herself generally feeling F-R-U-M-P-Y and lost. Her loveless marriage to ‘the mannequin’ has become intolerable; her daughter and best friend have both advised ‘Sammie’ to get a life of her own. Her husband has his own agenda which does not include her.

Sammie finally heeds their advice and takes pole-dancing lessons to get into shape and develop self-esteem, but it serves to do much more than that! The thrill of the dance and sexuality she discovers within herself is a potent mixture. She gets a part-time job as a dancer in an Indianapolis Gentleman’s Club called Jewels. She becomes the dancer known as ‘Diamond’ and very quickly catches the attention of a ‘bad-boy’ biker named ‘Slate.’

Slate is the ultimate ‘alpha’ male; however there’s a problem: he simply wants it to be about exclusive sex; Sammie wants and needs more from Slate. Sammie’s certain she’s embarked on a dangerous relationship with the hot biker and ‘prospect’ member of the notorious Outlaw Motorcycle Club. She soon finds out she’s totally out of her league with Slate and the dangerous people he associates with in Indianapolis. Something big is brewing in Indy; and it’s not about race cars!



4 stars

I liked it.  One of the things I really loved was that the female was so close in age to me. I don’t see a lot of those as I tend to gravitate towards NA and YA books.  But I could identify with a lot of what she as feeling. Her life was predictable, no change, no surprises and she wanted to shake it up a bit.

I was NOT prepared for the amount of violence in this book.  Nor was I prepared for all the twists and turns.  I can’t really go into them but suffice to say that it was not predictable, at least for me.  I figured this book to be a biker club romance, complete with cliches and tropes that go along with this type of story.  But it had more depth than that. And the plot was solid.  Most biker books I read have simple, easy to understand plots.  This one was developed and strong.  And I think I could have really enjoyed the book if there was no sex in it.  Which says something since I’m a huge romance fan.

Her husband (thats right kiddies, shes is married), I think his name was Jack, is the ultimate bad guy, I mean, I really had some physical hate brewing inside me for him.  His actions and lack of remorse were beyond shameful and I’m clearly still upset about the things his character did.  And while I don’t condone cheating, in this case, I’m glad she moved on to greener pastures.

Sammie was awesome. She transformed in this book, from frumpy housewife to sex magnet.  Her confidence soared and I loved how she took control of her life when things seemed to be so out of it for her.  I really dug Slate’s character. He seemed to be an alpha type but he was respectable like.  He walked the line, if that makes sense.  It’s all kinda hard for me to explain. I’ve seen some really bad reviews for this book and while I can see the flaws they point out, those seem to be the very reasons I liked it.  Ah, well, to each their own. Sometimes a book is enjoyable without having to dissect it.  And that’s how I felt about this one.

I’ve had this book for over two years and I’m just now getting to it.  I’m glad I finally did.

Curly Carla_small

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