The Kent Brothers Trilogy by Jaci Burton

23430310It Just Might Take a Christmas Miracle…

All She Wants for Christmas (The Kent Brothers Book One)
Country singer Riley Jensen would never have returned to her small Missouri hometown if her publicist hadn’t come up with the scheme to tape a Christmas special there. So she never would have known that the man who broke her heart at eighteen was now a widower with a seven-year-old daughter. Riley has ten years of angst-filled hit songs and Grammy Awards to prove she doesn’t need Ethan Kent. But suddenly, she can’t help thinking of all she gave up by running away…

A Rare Gift (The Kent Brothers Book Two)
With a disastrous marriage behind him, Wyatt Kent has no interest in getting involved with any woman, let alone his ex-wife’s younger sister. But when Calliope Andrews hires him to build an addition onto her day care center, Wyatt can’t help but notice her. But it’s going to take a Christmas miracle for Wyatt to put his trust in love a second time.

The Best Thing (The Kent Brothers Book Three)
A year ago, Tori let her guard down and Brody Kent slipped right in, planting one hot, unforgettable kiss on her in a dark corner at the company Christmas party. Though the kiss surpassed her wildest dreams, she can’t let it happen again�Brody’s got a reputation for loving and leaving. And he’ll have to get creative if he wants to convince Tori that he’s a changed man.

Find it on Goodreads:
You can no longer order the trilogy on Amazon Kindle, but you can get each novella individually…
All She Wants for Christmas:
A Rare Gift:
The Best Thing:

My Review:
All She Wants for Christmas:
(I read this in a previous year, so just copy and pasting my review plus one minor edit)
3.5 stars — Cute little read.  Reminded me of a Harlequin book, maybe a Superromance?  I know they’re unrealistic, but I enjoy the famous person loves normal person books, and the unfinished business from teenage past love stories.  So this one fit that bill.  Was there anything particularly remarkable and unique to this one?  Probably not.  But I’m not too fussy.  I liked Ethan’s family (except Wyatt), and Zoe wasn’t too annoying as a kid.  Ringing endorsement eh?  Maybe I should have rounded down, but now I’m too lazy, and I like Christmas books so whatever…

ON REREAD: rounded down.  It just didn’t capture me as much as the first time….

A Rare Gift:
3 stars — Classic Harlequin-esque romance — I actually enjoyed how forthright and confident Calliope was.  I had her pegged in a certain character stereotype, and she surprised me at every turn.  Wyatt had his good moments, though I’m not a huge fan of the taciturn and grumpy guy in general.  My major issue with the book was the ending — it felt HUGELY rushed and just read very fast for me (particularly the Cassandra/Wyatt resolution).  And then it was just bam bam bam, ending.  So it lost me there.  Ah well.

The Best Thing:
2.5 stars — definitely my least favourite of the 3 novellas of the Kent Brothers.  It felt like it jumped into the story real quick, and I was left feeling a bit of disbelief at the characters — they really went 10 months with a mean Tori??  It took them that long to say “enough is enough”??  So it started me off on the wrong foot.  Then I wasn’t really impressed with Tori herself, and her reasoning for behaving the way she was with everyone else.  Brody I get, but what did everyone else do to deserve her apparent wrath?

And then they got together and some of the lines felt cheesy to me…and yes, I know, it’s a Christmas novella.  But I just found myself going “really?” a few more times than I would like.

And then it wrapped up quickly too.  I don’t know what to say, I just wasn’t feeling this one…

So all in all the trilogy was just ok for me.  Had some heartwarming moments, but the novellas got less and less interesting as we went down the line.  😦


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