The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 3 (MC Chronicles #3) by Bink Cummings

BC3Blurb: Tests, life is full of them. The world is constantly putting you through them to see how much you can take before you break. Before you are no longer who you are. Before your world dissolves around you. How long you can stay strong and overcome the obstacles.
It’s no secret that Big and I butt heads. It’s no secret that I not only dislike my mother, I hate her because she hates me. But can these people break me? Can they push me to the edge of insanity, ready to jump?
Having stayed and moved in with Big, I was living the life I never even knew I wanted. Every day was filled with promise, warmth and unconditional love. Until the day, it wasn’t. Until the day it all changed and I quickly learned what I’m made of, thanks to the truths behind many years of painful secrets.
It only took a single day for my world to never be the same. One day to change me forever. One day for revelations. One day I’ll never forget……



3 stars

The beginning of this book was great!  It was consistent with the previous books storyline.  But then, towards the end I got a bit lost.  Everything just went from deliciously melodramatic to absurdly ridiculous!

It was the equivalent of ‘jumping the shark’ (bonus points for knowing the reference!).  Binks’ stubbornness and pride really got to me in this book. I just couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t admit her feelings to Big.  It was childish really, holding them over his head like some kind of emotional blackmail.  I kept thinking ‘they are gonna fuck this baby up when it arrives’ cause they don’t know how to be reasonable with each other.   And I know it’s an MC book and its wildly unbelievable.  I get that, I can suspend my belief for the enjoyment of a book.  But the ending was even too much for that I think.

I had to just laugh at their over the top antics.  It took me right out of the story honestly.  And while I still enjoyed it, I’m not really looking forward to the next one if I’m being honest.  This series has hit the end of the road for me.  I will finish it though, because the last book is a novella and I can power through it.  I need to read the last one for my reading challenge.

I still think there were some loose ends that needed to be addressed.  Like what happened to her mom?  That’s a big loose end to just leave hanging like that.  Maybe the novella will give me some closure.

 Curly Carla_small

4 thoughts on “The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 3 (MC Chronicles #3) by Bink Cummings

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